🐤 Hello, I’m

Jamaludin Yasykur

Software Developer &
UI Designer.

Download My CV
HTML Bootstrap Template by Pixel Rocket

I am a multi-platform developer and UI designer who enjoys challenges of all shapes and sizes.

A professional who is responsible for the design and construction of application. Whether Mobile, Web or Desktop. I use my skill set to study your company culture while strategizing about what users needs and solve the problems.

Ultimately, creating products that bridge the gap between business and consumer interaction for both parties involved.

My Education

Politeknik Enjinering Indorama

Applied Bachelor of Software Engineering Technology
Purwakarta, Indonesia (Expected 2022)

My Portfolio

My Experience

UI/UX Designer

Remote, Picknic.id | Aug 2021 - Present

Remotely joined Picknic.id. The online platform tourism startup. Responsible for web UI/UX design, creating low fidelity and high fidelity of full pages design website Picknic.id and Developing Design System.

Freelancer Web/Mobile Programmer

Aug 2019 - Present

Design and developing application such as making company profile, web app for management system, and manyy more.

UI/UX Designer Intern

Remote, Skilvul Indonesia, Jakarta | Aug - Dec 2021

"Virtual Internship : UX Challenge" Program, Certified Virtual Internship by Skilvul x Kampus Merdeka

Graphic Designer

Remote, Kebun Design Karawang | Sep - Oct 2020

Design social media advertising. Creating Instagram feeds (post, multipost feed and design snapgram).

IT Staff

CV. Mtech, PT. Gamma Buana Persada, East Jakarta | Aug - Sep 2018

IT Helpdesk, Troubleshooting general computers and devices, Printer and networking problem solving, setup room network cabling management

IT Internship

PT South Pacific Viscose, Lenzing Group, Purwakarta | Sep - Dec 2018

"Praktik Kerja Lapangan" on Information Technology Service Dept. with tasks : Labeling devices hardware, Reassembly PC, Inventory, Number checking PABX

My Skills



VS Code






Organization & Volunteer


Creative Media Director

Edufest Purwakarta 2020 | Aug 2019 - Feb 2020


Visual Design Coordinator

Festival Film Purwakarta 2020 | Dec 2019 - Aug 2020


Head of

Journalist Student Community | Jan 2019 - Jan 2020


Communication and Information Lead

Software Engineering Technology Student Association (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak) | Jan 2019 - Jan 2020


Visual Design Staff

Edufest Purwakarta 2019 | Aug 2018 - Feb 2019


General Secretary

Software Engineering Technology Student Association (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak) | Jan 2018 - Jan 2019


Digital Coordinator

Ecovillage Mandiri Ciasem | Jan 2018 - Jan 2019

  • hello@ben.lucia
  • +44 (0)208 1234 345